College Policies
Oxford Sixth Form College has a range of policies and guidelines to ensure we follow best practice and that students, parents and others understand what we expect of them. Please follow the links below to download PDF versions of College policies:
- Accessibility Plan
- Administration of Medicines
- Admissions
- Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking
- Anti-bullying
- Attendance
- AI Policy
- Boarding Principles and Practice
- Careers Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Crisis Management
- Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Assessment Policy
- CCTV Policy
- Data Breach Policy and Procedure
- Diet and Safe Food Preparation for Students in Boarding
- Disability Discrimination and Disability Access
- Drugs Support for Students
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Retention Policy
- English as an Additional Language
- e-Safety
- Equal Opportunities
- Exams Policy
- Fire Risk Prevention Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Fitness to Study
- Governance Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Health and Safety Policy for Students
- Health and Safety on Trips and Visits
- Medical Needs Policy
- Mental Health Policy
- Missing Students
- Promoting Good Behaviour
- Provision for students with particular religious, dietary, language or cultural needs
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Safer Recruitment
- Searching, Screening and Confiscation
- Sexual Violence and Harassment Between Children
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Visiting Speakers and External Events
- Visitors to College
- Lockdown Policy
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require further information.
If you would like to know more about Oxford Sixth Form College, we are always very happy to answer any questions you may have. You can contact us on +44(0)1865 793333 or email us at