Lucy Storey
11 February, 2024

Oxford CBT Talk on Mental Wellbeing during the Exam Season

Oxford CBT Talk
Last week Alex Bothwell from Oxford CBT visited Oxford Sixth Form College and ran a session on wellbeing in an exam context, for all of our students who are sitting GCSE, A-Level and BTEC exams in the summer term.

Oxford CBT is a local organisation, based in Oxfordshire, with a fantastic and growing team of over twenty clinicians, committed to the wellbeing of both their clients and the wider community that we are all a part of. The event offered an excellent insight into how students can maintain their wellbeing, beat the stigma around challenges with mental health, and the importance of recognising stress and anxiety triggers.

Alex outlined how lots of us know what it's like to feel stressed, but it's not easy to describe what stress is. There's no single definition of stress, and it might feel different for you than it does for someone else. How we experience stress can feel different at different times. It can also depend on what's causing it. She also noted how feeling stressed, worried, or under pressure around exams can be difficult to manage. But there are things that can help – it's about finding what's right for you.

At Oxford Sixth Form College our students’ mental wellbeing and pastoral care are of the utmost importance. With the presence of our Senior Tutors, boarding staff and teachers, our students receive personalised support for the duration of their time with us. Whether it be in terms of academic or pastoral support, we have a complete holistic view of every student and their journey meaning they feel encouraged and supported everyday.

Many thanks to Alex for running such an informative and interactive session and for giving our students such useful tools as we approach the exam period.