Nord Anglia
21 August, 2024

Oxford Sixth Form College launches Mascot and announces winner of the Mascot Competition

Aerial shot of Radcliffe Camera in Oxford

We are thrilled to have launched our Oxford Sixth Form College Mascot and the winner of the competition – many congratulations to Tahmid Abass from Nigeria.  Tahmid and his family (Dad, Mum, Sister and brother) were excited to travel over from Nigeria for the launch of the Oxford Sixth Form College Mascot.  They were welcomed by Carol Nyssen, College Principal, before heading to the Boardroom to listen to our Director of Admissions, Lynette Nye, talk about how the competition came about and how we wanted a Mascot to reflect the character and ethos of our college.  Tahmid and his family were then presented with Eli, the Elephant and a certificate of achievement.  They were then treated to lunch and a tour of Oxford City Centre by our UK Regional Manager, Sophie Winston-Partridge.

Mascot winner with College Principal

Tahmid's Mother, Bunmi, commented, “We had a lovely time with the Team. It was a great day and very well put together. Tahmid and us all would like to thank the whole Team for making today a success. For the hospitality and warmth too. We won’t forget all you have done.”

Winner with Mascot and certificate

This was an incredible opportunity for students aged 15-18 to showcase their creativity and design skills while vying for a chance to win a free trip to the historic city of Oxford.  We encouraged all aspiring designers to embrace this opportunity, as it not only allowed them to display their talents but also provided a chance to explore the rich history and culture of Oxford through the exciting prospect of a free trip. The competition was launched earlier this year and students had until the end of April to submit their design. 

Mascot criteria

The design brief we gave was:
We were looking for our mascot to be designed with our values in mind: global, supportive, nurturing, inclusive, community-minded and creative
We were looking for our college colours to be included in the design 
Our mascot could be anything that represents Oxford Sixth Form College 
The competition was open to students aged 15-18

In total, we received a number of outstanding designs, with submission forms explaining the reason of their choice of design.  Entrants entrants came from countries such as Nigeria, Thailand, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan and Turkey. The winner, Tahmid Abass, was chosen by our judging panel (representatives from our College and Global Recruitment Team) and runner up prize was awarded to Pimrada Sriraksa from Thailand.

The winner’s design

Tahmid’s design entry was an elephant.  The description that Tahmid put within his entry was that elephants are highly nurturing animals, known for their strong family bonds and care for their young. They are intelligent animals that exhibit problem-solving skills and live in tight-knit social groups, demonstrating a community-minded approach. Lastly, they display inclusive behaviours within their herds, accepting and caring for members of their group.

Name of Mascot

College staff plus our Global Recruitment Team came up with a list of possible suggestions for the of name of our Mascot.  A selection of gender-neutral names were proposed to the college / Global Recruitment Team for an overall vote, with Eli being the overall choice for our Mascot.  

College Principal, Carol Nyssen, commented, “We’re excited and thrilled to have a Mascot that represents the ethos of our college and with our values in mind; inclusive, nurturing, supportive, global and community-minded.  It was lovey to be able to welcome Tahmid and his family into our college and award Tahmid with his very own Mascot elephant.”
Mascot winner with certificate outside entrance to Oxford Sixth Form College

We look forward to seeing Oxford Sixth Form College’s, Eli the Elephant, touring cities around the globe helping to recruit our future students for the college.